Off the deep end ...
or ... where have you been all of my life?
Our new home educating journey has led us to so many new aspects of approaching our life. From bread making to nature study, and beyond. Who knew? Some of it is radical, some practical. Some of it convicts me. SOme of it makes me roll by eyes. Some of it is as appalling as it is exciting. All of it is challenging. And most of it makes me tired.
I often joke that I wake up in a new world every day. And I do. It takes me a long time to grasp some concepts that are no brainers for other people. So I might have heard all of these things before but didn't listen? My poor kids.
But we learn together as a family. The parents along with the children. My mistakes and the years I lost not knowing stuff, will hopefully just give them a stronger foundation to build their lives upon, and their children's lives. And their children.
As an example, here are the titles of some of the books and cds I've been listening to lately ...
Preparing Sons to Provide for Single Income Family, by Steve Maxwell
How Modern Churches are Harming Families, by John Thompson
The Role of Children in the Meeting of the Church, by Douglas W. Phillips
Making Wise Decisions about College, by Douglas W. Phillips
Why Satan Wants Your Firstborn and What to do about it, by SM Davis
Home is Where the Heart Is: Teaching your daughters to cherish being keepers of the home, by Susan Bradrick and daughters
Most of these materials I gathered from this outfit, VISION Forum.
Posted in: on Monday, March 24, 2008 at at 3:53 PM