Now, maybe I've seen it all

Posted on the light poles at a nearby busy intersection.


$200 Reward

Lost Beretta at McDonalds

Call Guido at ???->>>>
No questions asked

Only the Guido part is made up. Seriously.

I have several thoughts and questions, and envision several scenarios of who might have picked up that gun? Someone eating a Happy Meal?

But all of my thoughts are obvious, so why bother.

Speaking of another example of how this world is not our own, and how we are here to live in it and not of it, read Chandy's UndergroundOKC last post about her Bible study last night.

That's some heavy stuff. And I can't even imagine, any of it - deportation of family members, moms in jail, siblings in boot camp ... man. My life is so charmed.
Please pray for the Rock Groups. I would have named mine Air Supply back in da day!


  1. That sign is also posted on the building right next to the drive-through cashier. That's a fine howdy-doo!