Accidental alliteration

I try not to spend too much time writing this blog - which is bad for the readers. I do enough obsessing over words and my limited grasp of them for the writing that I do that I get paid for. (And I'm just going to let go of that ending the sentence a preposition with). This writing is just leisure, honing and I don't know what else. I've seen a lot of typos and misspellings slip through. Gasp. While scrambling eggs a minute ago, I thought about Ma's "sensibility, submissiveness and strength" that slipped out while writing the last post. Then I admonished myself for not carrying that to the rest of the sentence, although I see I almost accidentally did except for the "hard work."

here's the original sentence:
I've tried to grasp at the sensibility, submissiveness and strength of Ma and have prayed my children will appreciate the hard work, honor and simplicity of those amazing times.

here's the edit:
I've tried to grasp the sensibility, submissiveness and strength of Ma and have prayed my children will appreciate the hard work, honor and habits of those amazing times.

I cheated and used my desktop thesaurus for another h word. It doesn't really fit, but I must move on with the day.